I started working ten hour days this past week, which will give me Fridays off. I thought it would be tiring, but really it was not difficult at all. I have to get up about 25 minutes earlier (4:45 AM)in order to continue my mile and a half walk on the treadmill every morning, and I have to leave by 5:30 every evening since that's when they lock the place down, so really I am not working much longer hours than I did at Senior Home Care, without Fridays off. And having Friday off was GREAT...I slept a little later and painted the dining room, did the grocery shopping, made dinner, wow, it was like being retired for one day! And when we spend weekends in New Bern, I will be able to do the shopping and housework, and still enjoy our weekends away. It is ALL good.
We spent last weekend at the condo, the last of the summer, and it was pure relaxation this time. Spent both days at the pool, walking, bike riding. We did go into the city on Sat afternoon to get a coffee at Port City Java, shop a little, and eat dinner at Morgan's Tavern, our current favorite restaurant, where we both had lobster bisque, a wonderful filet, and key lime pie. Sigh. The only weird thing that served to slighly tarnish the weekend was the EXCHANGE of our brand new doormat for an older rattier model. As Peg said, "That's a little creepy." We were also confronted with huge number of MS bikers on our way into town, that's BICYCLISTS, not hogs, and we learned that Kelly, the young girl who kindly showed us the several units she and her husband Jeff have renovated and rented, is a TRIATHALON competitor who travels the world in pursuit of her sport. She recently returned from a competition in Belgium. Her husband Jeff is the new condo association president, and Kelly is just a small woman whom you would never have presumed to be athletic at first meeting. We also met a man who is in a barbershop group when we were scouting around for larger condos. New Bern is just full of interesting people...at least Fairfield is. And they were having the last chamber music concert of the season downtown across from the Episcopal church that dominates the landscape of the central city...a concert I would have liked to attend if we had known...High Point is drab by comparison..as we drove through the cavernous empty downtown on our trip back, and then by the tattoo parlors that edge Emerywood, I once again wondered why we ended up here, but fortunately the weather this week has been cool and crisp and fall-like, and we have done some sprucing up of our truly loved house and I am feeling better about the whole thing again. It is LOVELY here in the fall. And the coast and the mountains are just a short trip away. AND we ate lunch at Mayberry's today, a place like no other, an old fashioned soda fountain/diner/neighborhood haunt where we ate hotdogs and french fries, hot and crisp, famous bacon bean soup, and ice cream. There are things I love about High Point.
We are off to Florida AGAIN next weekend, for Lynn's wedding reception at Sterlings of Avondale. I am looking forward to seeing all my old friends from SHC, as well as seeing Kris and Brett again and staying at the beach.
Saw "Tropic Thunder" two weeks ago, the funniest movie we have seen in years. Gross but funny. Tom Cruise alone is worth the admission price. Matthew McConawatsit is fabulously vacuous in his pink polo shirt. The STARS are hysterical, although Jack Black could have been allowed to let loose a little more. There was even a parody of Steven Speilberg's penchant for making heroes of little boys, in the form of a less than sympathetic little dude as the leader of a big heroin distribution center.
There is the possibility that I may have satisfied Canada Passport with my most recent application and I may actually be going to Italy in October with the rest of the gang. I spoke with a rep on the phone who said it should be ready around October the tenth. I have hesitated to discuss the Italy trip in this forum for fear that I might not be going. Now I at least have a glimmer of hope that I will not be made to jump through more hoops. The Americans in this family had no trouble getting their passports. My frustration with the Canadian passport process for expatriates is still intact.. I still have only hope, not confidence, in the system.
That's it for Sat night in front of the TV watching college football..Go Wake!!
You WILL be going to Italy with us, if we have to stow you in our bags! ;) I firmly believe your passport will be here on time.
All your talk about delicious soup is making me want some! I can't wait to have more lobster bisque in New Bern. We just finished reading Alice in Wonderland, too, and it is making the Mock Turtle's song about BEAUTIFUL Soup get stuck in my head.. heehee
Is Mock Turtle Soup, like Mock Apple Pie, also made with Ritz crackers?
Why would anyone make a pie from crackers? Ponder this. Aren't apples just as cheap as crackers? Aren't they always available?
Beautiful soup....that would be cockaleekie...
Mock applie pie? Please explain - I am confused!
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